In All Things Glorify God
St Matthew's is proud to be part of Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese’s system of 80 Catholic primary and secondary schools operating across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains providing more than 43,500 students with a high-quality, low fee Catholic education.
At St Matthew's Primary our students are challenged to be the best they can be – socially, spiritually, academically and physically. Each member of our school community is held in high esteem and made to feel that they belong to and have a place in, our school community. We regularly celebrate our faith, our achievements and the richness of our heritage.
Our school promotes a climate of excellence in learning.
Values Statement
As a community, we at St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School have identified core values that speak of our collective essence and belief.
These values are reflected in the following ways:
- We support each other in our common journey in faith by acknowledging the need to share our stories, celebrating our experience and articulating our hopes and dreams
- We cultivate an authentic sense of belonging through rejoicing in our similarities, discovering the richness in our differences and extending a spirit of welcome to all
- We believe that our practices, policies and attitudes should enhance the dignity of each person
- We acknowledge the excellence being achieved in the present, while identifying and striving for personal and communal goals.
Mission Statement
At St Matthew’s we are committed to:
- Educating children – socially, spiritually, academically, emotionally & physically.
- Being actively involved in the mission of the Catholic Church through the daily expression of our faith.
- Promoting a climate of excellence in learning.
We Celebrate:- Our journey in faith.
- The uniqueness and achievements of the individual.
- The richness of our history.
- An authentic sense of belonging.
We value:- Respect for the dignity of each person.
- Shared leadership.
- Home-school partnership.

Our School Crest
The open book of the scripture with the cross resting on it symbolises PRAYER. The distaff, the wool in the process of being spun, symbolises WORK. PRAYER and WORK unite as the motivating force in our life. The olive branch above the book is the symbol of PEACE, the interpretation of Christ's love in daily living.
The scroll bears the words, IN ALL THINGS GLORIFY GOD, being the school motto at St Matthew's Primary Windsor.
Our School Crest

Our Patron Saint
Our parish and school community is named after St Matthew. Like the first Christian community, here at St Matthew's in the 21st Century, we too face the same challenges to know who Jesus is for us, and to understand how we are to live by the example of his teaching.
We are called to be committed to the good of others, especially to those marginalised in our society because of culture, race, disability or socio-economic circumstances. If we do this we are responding to the words of Jesus, spoken to his critics immediately after he called Matthew, the tax collector: "Go and learn what this means". "I desire mercy, not sacrifice". "For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners." (Matt 28:20)
That is why at St Matthew's we aim to respond to the needs of our children and their families, and work in partnership with our parents to ensure the ongoing educative and spiritual formation of our children.
Our Patron Saint

Our History
Established in 1833, St Matthew's Primary is the oldest existing Catholic school in Australia.
In 1835, when Mr and Mrs Cassidy began teaching the Catholic children of Windsor, it probably never occurred to them that they were beginning a great tradition of Catholic education in the historic Hawkesbury region. A record can be found of a Catholic School in Windsor in the Australian Catholic Directory, 1841, which states: At Windsor there are from 90 to 100 children in daily attendance; the school is conducted on the Irish system by Mr J Cassidy & Mrs Cassidy.
The Catholic tradition was carried on by various other laity, notably William Langton from 1863-82. Mr Langton distinguished himself as an earnest educator, and school inspectors commented very favourably about him.
The Good Samaritan Sisters continued the fine work of the laity, bringing to the school their own unique spirit. The Sisters had a continuous association with St Matthew's from 1882 until 1990.
The history of St Matthew's Primary is the human story of a wonderful parish, the region, of pupils past and present and the dedication of those who served the school, often against adversity. St Matthew's has developed into a school delivering the highest quality 21st century learning and teaching.
Our school has earned the right to claim - 'third Century, still going strong.'

We invite you to join our vibrant learning community
Contact us today to find out how to enrol.